With the wildlife situation in the desert being slightly different than in other climes, it might happen that you walk down the hallway to you bedroom and encounter a lizard with the body language of someone/something not quite knowing where they/it are.
Such encounters have to do with the summer and the heat. And the fact, that lizards are so fast that they hotfoot it inside the house in the fraction of a minute it takes you to open and close the/a door.
Anyway, it’s not a problem. One tries to catch the little visitors with the help of a glass, a piece of paper and out they go again.
The problem starts when KM (also known as “the cat”) sees one of the visitors first. Then all the ancient knowledge of cat-dom pops to the surface and the fluffy fur-ball turns into a hunter, a killer even. Not an eater, though… because hungry he is not.
Yesterday was another day of man vs. cat over a lizard. It survived, was taken outside (sans tail, however) and can now go on living a happy lizard life and re-grow its tail.
As for KM, he did not quite understand why he had his “toy” taken away. But that’s life – one can’t have everything. Not even when you are an exceptionally pretty cat!